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financial busine operation permit
经营金融业务许可证  detail>>
foreign exchange busine operation permit
经营外汇业务许可证  detail>>
financial business operation permit
经营金融业务许可证来源:考试大  detail>>
operation permit
经营许可证  detail>>
non-financial busine
非金融企业  detail>>
financial operation
财务经营  detail>>
permit on operation with naked fire
船舶明火作业许可证  detail>>
stable financial operation
金融运行平稳  detail>>
商业;商店 商业;业务  detail>>
on busine
因公,因事  detail>>
not to permit
不允许  detail>>
 vt.  许可,准许,允许,答应;默许,放任;使可能。 P- me to explain. 请容许我解释。 No infringement will be permit...  detail>>
permit of
有…的可能,留有…的余地 允许, 容许有  detail>>
to permit
准许  detail>>
 adj.  1.财政(上)的,财务(上)的,金融(上)的。 2.(会员)缴费的〔cf. honorary〕。  短语和例子 &n...  detail>>
barter busine
易货交易  detail>>
be: busine english
商务英语  detail>>
busine for profit
牟利业务  detail>>